ITEMS LOCATED: Paper, sand, soil, stone, plastic, glass, photograph, wood and gold
REMARKS: This first discovery was found like much of the others in and under Chatham Square. It was dug out at 4 feet, which for our sake will be Level 2 as opposed to Level 1 which deals with ground level, and Level 3 which deals with digs from 5 to 10 feet deep and ultimately, Level 4 which spans below 10 feet and up to 15 feet underground. This first “leftover” as we like to call them is named “Hare Jordan”, and so
for the obvious lack, although strong suggestion of the presence of a hare. It deals with air, with reaching for air, for life…and if for life then deals with a lot more. What ever happened to science fiction?
Just add a few what ifs and it all becomes way to real, and then you find yourself as if frozen in time and space, as in a Pompei like setup with a lava like substance where all freezes in that last action, that
last gasp and all gets rooted, part of the roots. What happened was clearly established, we were waiting for a finisher, a messiah, it had all been foretold, but it all came too fast. Open your veins it’s quicker, and with your blood you renew the world from age to age. The hare did run faster. He probably had to, to be up for his sucky job at 6 am.