ITEMS LOCATED: Sand, stone, steel, wood, marbles, plastic, paper, acrylic and gold
REMARKS: The second was dug out a little deeper than the last at about 6feet under or at Level 3, still around what would be Chatham Square. It is named “Hello Kitty” for the undeniable presence of many waving cats. For the Chinese and the followers of their fate and/or superstition these cats stand as lucky charms, as protectors and guarantors of a wish, probably that of financial security, as they are most often than not found at the entrance of businesses and more particularly very close to cash registers. There is no business like the one of money and luck. It follows the laws of supply and demand, but there are always more customers than actual products. What is it really? A substance of value? A value of substance? For all that died for the sake of gold, in all its shapes, for all the ones who survived, money always comes with a price. What the worth? What’s the worth of an individual? There is no business. There is income. What do you do for a living?