Thematically, night, nature, sex, life and death fill works such as the quasi-Biblical Traum der Sarazenin (2007) and the Gauguin-esque Searching for Ruwenzori (2010). Similar ideas around the life cycle, human loneliness and other allegorical states haunt his dramatically posed figures made out of plaster, jute, metal and wood. Mild und Leise Wie Er Lächelt (2008), which looks like a Buddhist icon, is more intricately ornamented and polished than more recent works from 2010 based on drawings, which free the figure with a more essentialised representation. Trauernde (Mourner), Betender, Eva, Anima and Abgrund (Abyss) show the artist continuing a three-dimensional shedding process and a tendency towards rustication, seen in the roughly-hewn Bench (Tiger) and Chair (Hanush) (all 2010).