“I went to Dahab, Egypt with my girlfriend to scuba dive. The Blue Hole is one of the most beautiful and dangerous diving sites in the world; if you descend too quickly you can get Nitrogen Narcosis, or ‘the martini effect’, a disorientation similar to drinking 1 martini every 10 metres. The collage came together quite quickly. Everything was ready like the ingredients for a stir fry. I stuck down the first batch of paper and canvas and rolled yellow printing ink onto all the squares, leaving the horizontal bands in the bottom white. Then I stuck down some more squares and inked these up in black. In the end I added the vertical bands around the sides of the top. I wanted to create a kind of eerie descent. I didn’t struggle with this one, which always makes me suspicious. The title is taken from the Carol King song of the same name. I only know it in Mark Eitzel’s interpretation, but why would you need another? The bitter sweet paradox just matched the collage.”