Bangalore born Tallur is an Indian artist who has rarely ventured outside India and grew up in the rural community. His works speak of the grinding poverty in the cultivated countryside. Employing Indian signs and symbols, Tallur conceives works that are characteristic of the underbelly of India, while still successfully managing to translate the anxiety of his subject matter to a larger audience. Untitled contains a hospital bed, with battered and torn inflatable mattresses piled high. The bed with the added sound of breathing, inflates and deflates like lungs. Tallur’s work delivers an incredibly depressing sight and sign of the objects of social utilitarianism. His sculptural works are riddled with the agony of laboured situations. For the artist, there is a pleasurable absurdity in the dishevelled traditions of the farmlands and the villages when compared to the new American-styled hyper-real cities that function as cash accumulators.